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Frequently Asked Questions
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What kinds of equipment should I use with the UPS? Is there any limit for it?

Normally, the UPS is used for PC, high technical equipment & medical appliances. Because of most UPS are designed for PC, so not all the equipment could be connected with it. Especially, conducting loads just like cooling fans, refrigerators that have the motors. These kinds of equipment will damage the UPS. Moreover, copy machine and laser printers that have huge starting current also could not be used with UPS. The huge starting current will impact the capacity of UPS.

What is the impact of different output waveforms?

There are three major types of loads: Resistive load (Lamps); SPS load (PC power supply) & Conductive Load (Motors). All the types of load can be used with Pure Sinewave. However, only Resistive and SPS loads can be used with Modified Sinewave.

What is the impact to the PC with different transfer time?

Except On-Line UPS, there will be a short transfer time between 2ms to 10 ms for the power transformation with OFF-LINE & LINE INTERACTIVE UPS. Normally, when the blackout happens, the power supply of PC could continue the power for 16ms. Hence, most PC will still work functionally with the short transfer time.

What is the battery type of UPS?

Most UPS use Lead-acid maintenance-free batteries. This kind of battery is sealed so the UPS can be located with any direction and it does not void the poison gas during charging and discharging. So it also could be an indoor installation.

What is the lifetime of batteries?

The battery lifetime depends on the ambient temperature and the times of charging and discharging. Higher ambient temperature and too many charging and discharging times will reduce the lifetime. Normally, the battery lifetime is close to three years

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